National Guard Association of Kansas


Every year, federal employees and retirees rally to support charities they choose through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). It’s amazing to see how giving a little out of each paycheck can add up to so much happiness when we all give together … and, studies show when you GIVE HAPPY, you get happy too! The 2024 CFC Charitable Giving Period began on September 1, 2023, and will run through January 15, 2024.

If you are a Federal employee, AGR or active military, or work for another employer who offers CFC payroll deduction, please consider selecting the EANGUS-WCFA National Guard Relief Foundation (Charity Code: 11859) as your charity of choice. Federal retirees also have an opportunity to support the causes they care about by giving through the CFC via a deduction from their annuity.

Established in 1992 by EANGUS, the National Guard Relief Foundation provides emergency relief grants and interest-free loans to currently serving National Guard Airmen and Soldiers of all ranks as well as honorably discharged and retired Guard members. The financial assistance provided by the Foundation helps National Guard members who have suffered a catastrophic loss or personal hardship, as well as those impacted by natural disasters. Please join us in our mission to support National Guard members and their families; your donation will be used to provide grants to those with a verified emergency need.

Please download, post, and share this year’s NGRF CFC Flyer

Sign up for payroll deduction or get more information about the Combined Federal Campaign HERE

Apply for assistance from the National Guard Relief Foundation or make a donation directly to the Foundation at: