National Guard Association of Kansas

Did you know? As a member of EANGUS, you are automatically a member of AUSA, the Association of the U.S. Army. In essence, when you become an EANGUS member, you become a member of your State Association, the national EANGUS Association, and you are a member of AUSA through an agreement between our two associations. Yes, even if you are Air Guard, you are automatically an AUSA member. Stay with me on this one—there are benefits even for Air Guard members.

In 2017, AUSA approached EANGUS about partnering at the Association level and offering cross memberships in each organization. EANGUS accepted their offer on a conditional basis. AUSA would have to accept all EANGUS members, not just those in the Army Guard. [AUSA members would have to meet EANGUS membership rules and opt in to EANGUS membership; EANGUS members can opt out of AUSA membership at any time.] EANGUS members would have digital only access to AUSA products (no printed materials). And AUSA would greatly assist EANGUS in expanding its annual conference exhibitor program at little to no cost to EANGUS, since AUSA knows how to attract exhibitors. Both parties agreed to the terms and the partnership was formed. EANGUS is considered to be an Association Partner with AUSA.

Are there benefits to membership? Definitely yes.

Advocacy. AUSA lobbies Congress on behalf of all components of the Army, and EANGUS lobbies Congress on behalf of all Guard members. Our legislative interests overlap and are complementary. On many issues, EANGUS and AUSA team up to attack the Hill on your behalf.

Affinity Program. Affinity means discounts. AUSA has a very robust affinity program. For almost anything you do in life, they probably have negotiated a discount for which you can take advantage. Car rentals. Hotel rooms. Computers. An unbelievable amount of savings. Check out the affinity program here:

Scholarships. Although EANGUS has a scholarship program, so does AUSA. EANGUS members are eligible to participate in AUSA scholarship programs in addition to all of EANGUS’ scholarship programs. AUSA has over $300,000 in over 40 scholarship programs. EANGUS members and their dependents (to include children, spouses, and grandchildren) are eligible to apply. Check out their scholarship programs here:

Chapters. AUSA has 122 chapters worldwide. Every State has at least one AUSA chapter. The synergy between each EANGUS State Association and the AUSA chapters in that State can be very fruitful. Working together, we can accomplish much for our State Associations. You can locate a local AUSA chapter here:

Annual Meeting. EANGUS holds an annual conference/meeting in a different city every year. AUSA holds an annual conference/meeting in Washington DC at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. AUSA attracts over 30,000 attendees and has over 600 exhibitors, some from allied nations. Anyone with an affiliation with AUSA can attend the conference for free. Some of the break out meetings and exhibits are definitely Army-centric. But a great majority of them have both Army and Air interest, such as the job fair they hold during the exhibition. There is something for everyone at the annual conference in DC.

Podcasts. AUSA produces a wide variety of podcasts, under the moniker “Army Matters”. But the podcasts have a wider applicability than just to Army Soldiers. Recent podcasts include How A Bus Crash Improved The Lives Of Countless Veterans (with Dr. Rory Cooper, an amazing guy); Can Uncle Sam Become A Gen Z Hero? discussing the traits of Gen Z; and The Creative Minds—And The Experiences—Behind Call Of Duty which talks about the gaming industry. Podcasts are free to listen.

Professional Development. AUSA has a robust professional development program for officers and NCOs as well as civilian employees and family readiness. They have an extensive publications program with books, magazines, and e-news you can count on. You can find more on their programs here:

EANGUS strives to make your membership as valuable as it can be, and our partnership with AUSA is one part of that.


— EANGUS National Office