Kansas Joint Conference Schedule
March 21-22, 2025
Friday, March 21
Golf Tournament GreatLIFE Salina Golf Course 0900 Shotgun Start (0730 Registration)
1400-1700 Registration Opens
1645-2200 Childcare Opens
1700-1800 Social Hour
1830-2030 Banquet
2030-2300 Hospitality Suites
Saturday, March 22:
0700 Registration Opens
0700 Corporate Partner Tables Open
0700-0800 Breakfast
0730-0750 Embedded ESGR Volunteers: A New Paradigm!
0800-1030 Joint Opening Session
0930-1430 Spouse & Children Activities (offsite)
1030-1130 Break and Visit Corporate Partners
1130-1140 Pick up box lunches
1140-1240 Breakout Sessions
Field Grade and General Officers
Company Grade Officers
Warrant Officers – Warrant Officer PME Modernization, Chief Warrant Officer 5 Carlos Terrones, Command Chief Warrant Officer US Army Combined Arms Center and Fort Leavenworth
NCO and Jr. Enlisted – Safeguarding the military Profession, CSM Steve Harmon, CSEL KSNG
1240-1310 Break and Visit Corporate Partners
1310-1410 Association Business Meetings
1410-1430 Break and Visit Corporate Partners
1430-1530 Break Out Sessions
1. State of the Kansas National Guard Briefing, Major General Michael Venerdi, The Adjutant General
2. Legislative Workshop, Lt Col Keith Marshall, Chief, Government and Legislative Affairs, The Adjutant General’s Department, KSNG
3. Education and Incentives Updates KSARNG, Education Services Office KSARNG
4. ESGR Q & A, Clint Moyer, ESGR
1530-1630 Closing Session
(Schedule is subject to change)